Writer. Educator. Connector. Maker.

Mia Zamora, Ph.D. is Professor of English, the Director of the MA in Writing Studies, the Director of the Kean University Writing Project, and the former Coordinator of the World Literature Program at Kean University in Union, NJ. She received the Kean University “Professor of the Year” Award in June 2019. 

Zamora is a scholar of Electronic Literature (literary works that originate in a digital environment and require digital computation to read). She is one of five international scholars to have edited the fourth volume of the Electronic Literature Collection which represents this rapidly evolving field located at the intersection between technology and textuality.  Mia Zamora is a digital humanist and a #connectedlearning scholar who writes about how digital technologies are transforming education in the 21st century. In her 2017-2018 sabbatical year, she was the Fulbright Scholar of Digital Culture at the University of Bergen, Norway.  There she created and exhibited two public art installations.

Dr. Zamora’s commitment to equity, digital literacies & data rights, and intercultural understanding is clear in both her public scholarship and leadership work. As a leading voice for the practice of open networked education and a winner of the Mozilla Foundation Open Leaders award, she has founded several global learning networks including Equity Unbound (#unboundeq) and Networked Narratives (#netnarr).

Mia Zamora enjoys presenting her work to diverse audiences. The COVID-19 global pandemic has become an unforeseen catalyst for sharing her open and connected practices. As both the ALT #OER20 co-chair and a co-keynote plenary speaker at the #OpenEd20 conference, Dr. Zamora continues to tell a story of “Equitable Emergence” as she maps a transformative vision for teaching and learning. In addition, she is proud to have recently co-directed Equity Unbound’s MYFest22, a virtual festival that sought to center community and support.

Curriculum Vitae
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